
Saturday, March 29, 2014

Funny dorm stories

While backpacking I mostly stayed in dorms. Which was a lot of fun and caused some funny situations. I wrote this story for, but since it´s related to my travels I wanted to share it here as well. As I said on my Facebook page, if you think it´s about you... well it probably is!

Staying in dorms is in my opinion definitely a must if you’re traveling alone. I mean, you can get a luxury five star hotel with a nice king-size bed, a bathtub, a minibar, a tv, air-conditioning. Also you as a backpacker in that hotel will be able to: see some lovely young couples who are on a holiday, some old people who are still in love which can be cute or disgusting, some families (yes that kid is peeing in the swimming pool), and potentially see someone who you really fancy until you realize that person is on a honeymoon.

Or, what you can and should do, as a backpacker. Stay in a hostel. Which can be a hostel with a really good rating or a shitty hostel where every dollar, euro, baht or dong is too much to pay. Cause staying in hostels is fun! In the last four months I’ve stayed in some really nice and terrible hostels, I had great recommendations from other travellers or just checked the lovely internet. However, sometimes it’s not the place, it’s the people. And so I found out. I had some really funny moments in dorms, some of these things happened to myself and some to other people in the dorm, who I will not name. Here you go three funny random things that happened in dorms during my trip.

Sleeping in a 38 people dorm
Staying in a 38 people dorm in Koh Phangan during the full moon for new year’s sounds like the perfect place to have a well-deservedgood sleep right? As a preparation for new year I tried sleeping ‘early’, which was a challenge since the music was really loud and the door had this lovely bleep-bleep-bleep sound ‘every time it opened.

I’m not the kinda person who will tell people to shut up, because normally i’m a loud person myself. I fall asleep easily, so even in this not sleepy environment i managed to fell asleep, after approximately three hours. While I was sleeping like a baby, since the bed was actually comfy some drunk people came back to the dorm. The guy from the bed next to me, who I saw in the morning, with a chick in his bed, who I never talked to, decided to… poke me. Yes, he poked me and said: Hi! Such a nice guy, I was sleepdrunk and said hi back and turned myself. After a minute he poked me again and told me he was sorry for waking me up. Well I’m easy going so I told him it was fine, and told him to sleep well and turned myself again. I guess this was not really what he was looking for. “Drunk-guy-next-bed” decided to turn me, jump on me and ask me if we could have sex. I was sleepdrunk, which is not to be confused with being drunk. So I didn’t really understand if this was a dream, nightmare or real life. I stared at him and asked if it was ok if I just slept. Well this was ok, so he said. I turned myself, again. But I guess I should’ve asked if it was ok to sleep alone. Cause after I turned I felt something, someone… spooning me. Yes the “Drunk-guy-next-bed” was now “Drunk-guy-in-my-bed”. Well if he can poke me and ask stuff, so can I! So I poked him and asked if he could please leave me alone and hop over to his own bed. Nooooo, nooooo, can I please stay? Can we just cuddle? Well I do love cuddles, I really do, but not like this. So I said no, he said yes, I said no, he said yes. Well you get the idea. At this point I was really tired and he was not really planning on getting out of my bed so I told him, no cuddles, just sleep. I turned myself, for the final time… and woke up a bit later. AND HE REPEATED, can we please have sex?? Noooooooo we can’t dude! Well in the end he was drunk and tired as well so he fell asleep in my bed… yes I gave up. When I woke up he was holding me as well, really tight, I escaped my bed and went for breakfast. Afterwards I came back and jumped on him: CAN WE HAVE SEX?! He woke up and looked at me really weird. He had no memory of happened the night before and told me he was sorry. After that we had a normal conversation and actually got to know each other. He turned out to be a nice guy. Always a good way to meet people! But I did gave him the advice not to hit on girls like this anymore.

Getting seasick in a dorm
Sex in dorms is something that happens every once in a while. It’s something you can accept, or you can decide on getting really mad. Well like I said, i’m easy going. I don’t mind if it’s just for a bit I can just put my music in and ignore it. But when you’re feeling really sick, and you actually already have tears in your eyes it’s a little bit different. I hate to be a cockblock. So I figured when this guy in the bed above me, who I travelled with for a bit, and who was actually a really nice guy, came back in the dorm that I should just let him do his thing. I was annoyed because I really wanted to sleep since I felt like shit and would have 24 hours of solo traveling the next day. I thought well I can deal with this for a bit, I feel like shit anyway so who cares. So I putted in my earplugs with my music really loud. The hostel was really really nice, but unfortunately the beds were like most hostel bunk beds not really stable. So I was on the bottom and began to feel seasick. My bed was shaking like a rollercoaster, I love rollercoasters, but not like this. And even worse, I could hear the discussion about the sex. Everything was not really going as it should so they kept on tryin…tryin…. And then someone came in, put on the lights and laughed at them. So it stopped. At this point there were more people in the room. I fell back asleep and was happy. For a little bit. My bed was shaking again, people were laughing and everything but they didn’t care. At some point I managed to fall asleep. But the next day when I woke up the horror wasn’t over. The worst was yet to come. One, I guess, USED condom landed in my bed. When I stepped out of my bed there were a few (different flavours as well!) on the floor. There were some shorts in my bed as well. If I didn’t know any better I would have thought I had sex myself. Afterwards I told the guy that I was happy that he had safe sex, and that he should definitely continue on doing that. But just not when the girl in the bed under it feels like dying already.

Great wingwoman
As you read before I’m not exactly a cockblocker, i’m the opposite. I’m a great wingwoman! So I was hanging with some guys, just being the great wingwoman as I am I totally hooked this guy up with a girl. Kinda, I guess he had a good game himself as well. But as the evening was coming to an end this girl came to me, and asked me if she should hook up with him. Well hell yeah I responded. So she went back to him, they kissed a bit and that was it. But she came back and asked me if I was staying in the same dorm and if I would mind if she had sex there. Well this guy just started traveling so off course I didn’t wanna cockblock this great opportunity. So I told her it was fine cause I wasn’t planning on going home anytime soon (this was a lie I was done with the evening, but hey i’m nice). So  they left and I figured I could socialize a bit more in this club. I found this random guy and told him about my situation, he was a nice person to chat with for a bit. After 45 minutes we both thought that I could go to my dorm for some sleep. He assisted on walking me back. When we came in front of my hostel there was this really nice surprise. The newly-backpacking-couple didn’t even made it to the dorm! They were kissing on the street. All that waiting for nothing! I waited for a bit more, even watched a movie, made some snapchats for my friends. And got tired of it so went to the dorm. Nothing was going on there, so I was relieved, bedtime! Well off course this wasn’t true. My bed was in the corner, and my pillow was near to his (now their) pillow. As soon as I tried sleeping, they tried the opposite. Just my luck! I slept on the other side of my bed with my music really loud. Also the guy climbed to the bed on top of his to ask his mate for condoms. Classic night!

It’s all part of the experience
These stories might be a bit disturbing, if you’ve never stayed in a dorm before. For the people who already got some dorm experience I bet some of this stuff should sound completely normal. But for the people who read this and are not sure about dorms anymore… In the end even my weird experiences like the guy who woke me up, or waking up by people having sex, never made me not-wanna-stay-in-dorms. Dorms are funny and a great social place. It’s a nice place to meet people, mostly better during the day. And well, when you’re old you have something fun to tell the grandkids. Or well, maybe not the grandkids but at least you can look back at your travels and laugh!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Photoshop makes the world a better place

Ever since I was like this 11 year old (or something) girl I liked playing with Photoshop. Well at first I started messing around with paint shop pro and after that I guess Adobe Photoshop 2 and 3 or something. However, I found out on this magical thing called the internet about the great things you can do with Photoshop! Brush skin smoother, make the sky more blue, change your eye colors, and more of that kind of stuff. For a while I got so ‘addicted’ on it I even attempted on online challenges. Like making the best Hilary Duff (pre weird slutty period) banner or doing the best retouch on a famous person. I found out all the amazing stuff you could do with Photoshop! But it took me a while to make the find out that the models in advertisements mostly are retouched as well.

Of course i’m not this 11 year old girl anymore. Although I wouldn't mind, but let’s not go there. Anyway, I think it’s safe to say that 90% of the people know that Photoshop is being used a lot. And you can have the discussion about it like how it's a good thing, you shouldn’t care (that’s me), or how it’s a bad reflection of reality and not good for children etc. Well go ahead and have that discussion. I just wanna have some fun with all the bad Photoshop crap people have been putting up lately.

I think even as a 11 (or well lets not get cocky, 12) year old girl I would have noticed that there was something not really done/ready in the following examples.

1. At Target someone got over excited on this whole thigh cap hype.

2. I’m guessing Adam Levine his ribs weren't pretty enough for this picture.

3. I strongly believe that this person is the owner of a belly button, but please correct me if I’m wrong.

4. It’s always nice to hold hands.

5. This kid has really short legs or he’s a young magician.

Please keep the bad stuff coming, I don't mind! Oh and shoutout to all those girls who are giving themselves bigger buts, smaller waists and stuff like that for more likes on Instagram. They might wanna spend that time in the gym but hey I'm not gonna complain ;-) 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

When I grow up I wanna be a....

Some people just know it all. They grow up and just know that they want to be. Like `when I grow up I want to be......´ a firemen, nurse or a mom of 10 children. When I was a kid I found out I wasn't one of those kids. I was a dreamer and I had plenty of ideas for my future self.

18 years ago I wanted to travel the world and/or be the host of a travel program;
15 years ago I wanted to be a pre-school teacher and a musical star but I realized singing wasn't my talent;
10 years ago I wanted to be a high-school history teacher, and be a cheerleader while studying for it;
9 years ago I wanted to be a lawyer;
8 years ago I wanted to be a psychologist;
6 years ago I wanted to be a lifestyle designer, graphic designer, game designer. You name it i just wanted to design stuff get my creativity out there;
5 years ago I wanted to be a communication professional as in creating commercials. The plan was to finish my study as quick as possible, get a career and a house afterwards;
4 years ago I wanted to be a editor of a fashion magazine;
3 years ago I wanted to be a social media specialist but my dream still was to be a editor of a fashion magazine, also I wanted to live together with my boyfriend at the time. My dream was to study abroad but I decided that I rather stayed with my boyfriend;

2 years ago I was still dreaming about being a editor but got more focused on reality, any job at a (online) lifestyle thing would have been what I wanted. I wanted to do something different, and I did. I ended up doing the minor International Aid and Development instead of the minors PR or branding. I went to do volunteer work in the Philippines which turned out to be one of the best things I've ever done. Which I didn't even knew before. After that I wanted to do a internship in the Philippines, got one but got scared because I was in a complicated relationship;

1 year ago I wanted to have a job in the lifestyle PR scene. I also still got a desire to travel the world. I finally got rid of all my fears. And decided to safe up money for my next trip, more volunteer work, traveling around I didn't had a plan I just knew I wanted to be out there living the life while not having a serious job.

While graduating and getting my bachelor degree I got scared. I lost my purpose. As you can see at "5 years ago" my original plan was to get a career a house and "be serious" after I would get my degree. While being at that point in life I didn't feel like actually being ready for that. And why the hell would I do something against my will? It took me a while to realize that I'm the one who puts direction in my own life. Just that most people choose to get serious after their study doesn't mean that I had to... So I started traveling with the idea "I probably get bored of traveling and get serious when I go back home". Not happening. Plenty of time of that after my next trip!

Right now?
I'm a dreamer and for now that's all I wanna do. At this moment my ideal job would be a payed blogger, but one with freedom. So I can decide what I do, when I do it and how I do it. Because freedom is what I cherish the most right now. My desire to travel is definitely stronger than the desire to follow a ´boring career-path´ and settle down. 

But as you've probably seen by now, I change my mind quit often so let's make this list again in five days years..

Monday, March 10, 2014

Back in reality after 4 months

I’ve been back home for 24 days now. While I was away I wasn’t looking forward to coming home at all. People were asking me why. Well at that time I mostly answered “because there’s nothing there”. With nothing I just meant that I didn’t had a job to look forward to or some other serious stuff, like a house or a boyfriend. But well off course I did had things to look forward to. I have great friends, who support me no matter what kind of weird person I sometimes (well maybe even half the time) can be. Also I have a loving family and a house to call home.

After being home I just realized I was mostly scared. Scared of going back into reality. When people said to me you’ll have a reality check when you get home I just laughed. But really, being home after nearly 4 months of absolute freedom it's a reality check indeed.

First of all there was the obvious problem, which I knew I would have even before I started traveling. I was totally broke as soon as I got home. I did safe up money for returning home, but while traveling I figured I rather had a fun time with it in Asia than safe it for being at home. Well, I don’t do regrets but I must say it was not really smart. Lucky as I was my friends hooked me up with a job. When they asked when I could start I just said well as soon as possible. BAM, reality was hitting me in the face again. Working? Really? I’ve quitted my last job in a clothing store in the beginning of October. So working was something I wasn’t really used to anymore. During traveling I also said, I don’t care what kind of job I get, I just need to get some money asap when I’m home. Well, I was truly grateful for the job. But I started as a call agent. Which is not a bad thing, don’t get me wrong. But yeah, another reality check. I’ve got a bachelor degree in communication. And I actually worked as a callagent when I was 16 and didn’t even had a single degree. So it made me think, what am I doing? Is this living the dream? I told myself I was just working because I needed the money. But after a few days I actually found out I had nice co-workers and I enjoyed my time there. It’s not all about living your dreams, sometimes you have to make a few stops on your way.

I believe in karma and serendipity. Good things will come to you when you least expect it. And you will also get what you give, which can be a good or a bad thing. Trust me my life has some ups but some pretty deep downs. But all of the sudden my life is pretty up. While I was enjoying my new career path and made some peace with it this new thing came on my path. A job opportunity at the same company, but this time actually a job in communication. And wait a second, isn’t that what I studied? Indeed it is.

While traveling I said I would take any job. But with any job I meant all the jobs in the world as long as it wasn’t a serious job. Well I did took the job. I’ll see where it takes me. I may sound a bit dreamy, and well.. I am. But everything happens for a reason and for now I’m just embracing this opportunity and see how it goes.

The life lesson in this story? Not everything always goes as planned. Sometimes you got to take risks and sometimes you just need to let go of your plans and go with the flow. Setting a goal is fine and great. I still have my goals/dreams. But the road to reaching them might be a bit different than you imagined. I'm not saying you should give up on dreams for every nice other thing that bumps into your way. But sometimes changing your path could be a good thing. Well at least I hope so. I'm not sure where my path will bring me, but as long I'm happy I think i'm doing a pretty good job following my dreams.


Ps. I'm not even sure myself why I wrote this in English. I just started writing my thoughts and for some reason they came up in English.
Pps. I still owe you guys a blog about the last part of my trip. I actually wrote half of it. It's still coming ;-)