
Monday, March 24, 2014

Photoshop makes the world a better place

Ever since I was like this 11 year old (or something) girl I liked playing with Photoshop. Well at first I started messing around with paint shop pro and after that I guess Adobe Photoshop 2 and 3 or something. However, I found out on this magical thing called the internet about the great things you can do with Photoshop! Brush skin smoother, make the sky more blue, change your eye colors, and more of that kind of stuff. For a while I got so ‘addicted’ on it I even attempted on online challenges. Like making the best Hilary Duff (pre weird slutty period) banner or doing the best retouch on a famous person. I found out all the amazing stuff you could do with Photoshop! But it took me a while to make the find out that the models in advertisements mostly are retouched as well.

Of course i’m not this 11 year old girl anymore. Although I wouldn't mind, but let’s not go there. Anyway, I think it’s safe to say that 90% of the people know that Photoshop is being used a lot. And you can have the discussion about it like how it's a good thing, you shouldn’t care (that’s me), or how it’s a bad reflection of reality and not good for children etc. Well go ahead and have that discussion. I just wanna have some fun with all the bad Photoshop crap people have been putting up lately.

I think even as a 11 (or well lets not get cocky, 12) year old girl I would have noticed that there was something not really done/ready in the following examples.

1. At Target someone got over excited on this whole thigh cap hype.

2. I’m guessing Adam Levine his ribs weren't pretty enough for this picture.

3. I strongly believe that this person is the owner of a belly button, but please correct me if I’m wrong.

4. It’s always nice to hold hands.

5. This kid has really short legs or he’s a young magician.

Please keep the bad stuff coming, I don't mind! Oh and shoutout to all those girls who are giving themselves bigger buts, smaller waists and stuff like that for more likes on Instagram. They might wanna spend that time in the gym but hey I'm not gonna complain ;-) 

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